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"Green Vine," an original acrylic painting on canvas, effortlessly blends the beauty of nature with contemporary art. This striking piece features a generously large scale, immersing you in a textured green brushstroke background, while a captivating close-up view of a gracefully curling vine, entwined in a mesmerizing spiral, exudes a sense of serenity and connection to the natural world. "Green Vine" is more than just art; it's an invitation to experience the soothing embrace of nature's beauty, a harmonious fusion of vibrant color and captivating detail that will transform your room into a sanctuary of tranquility and elegance.


ARTIST: Michelle Thevenot (Durell)


YEAR: 2010


MATERIALS: Acrylic paint on canvas


ARTWORK DIMENSIONS (H x W x D): 36 x 48 inches


SHIPPING: Contact me before purchasing to discuss shipping options and costs to your location.

Green Vine - Original

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